Many folks find their way to this blog from a simple internet search. Frequently because they are having muzzleloader trouble like misfires, failure-to-fire, are tired of blow back, etc. Some just want to use Blackhorn 209 powder (which will misfire or blooper if not sealed up).
Other's have a friend that fixed his woes with our system, or saw a modified rifle at the range using our awesome 209 conversion for Remington 700 ML's and Ruger 77/50 rifles. Some just know that there has to be a better way, and there is: you found it in our kits. However you got here, and whatever shape your rifle is in, welcome to the best, last conversion you'll ever want on your rifle, and a great source for other hard to find Remington 700 ML parts. We have many products, but we do focus on the The Remington 700 ML/MLS & Ruger 77/50 muzzle loaders (both have been out of production for years now). These rifles now vary in condition. Some have hardly been used. Others used, but well cared for. Some have been neglected. So their condition truly runs the full gambit. This is further complicated due to the original design and other 209 modifications sending fouling corrosive gasses throughout the bolt and the receiver. New owners can be further confused by the various kits that may have been fitted over the years. Our kits fix blow back issues, don't rely on most of the parts people tinker with, and base line the rifle to a solid known good state. Yes, we are still in business, supporting your old muzzle loader and making it what it should have been. If an internet search sent you here, please keep clicking around until you find the solution you are looking for. But in this installment, I need to discuss our business in general. We are a small, family run, veteran owned, home based business. We do many things in house, and have some things mass produced by others. Really, it just boils down to trying to do things as efficiently and best as possible. We are still in the process of building/finishing a large workshop to grow into. This project has taken more time, energy, and resources than planned. Some of that is due to COVID/supply chain restrictions/inflation, and some of that is just my optimistic predictions on my own abilities and talents. We’re about to take delivery of much needed equipment that should allow me to begin retrofitting vent liners into breech plugs in house again. (This was being subbed out for a while, then we lost that sub/friend to cancer, and then suffered delays). [update in Aug 2022: the new lathe was installed and all back orders on vent liner retrofits are caught up! Buy with confidence} Also its tax season (I’ll hold back from venting about our taxation system, and the time suck its been to our business), and many folks (more than usual this time of year) are asking for other things to get done (like bolt conversions). As I age, it seems I’m able to work a little less, and am spending more time tending to aches. So it just seems there isn’t enough of me to go around. I also like to hunt/fish, and we are a ‘family’ owned business. God & family comes first. Then my hunting/fishing. Always good to get the family hunting/fishing with me. All of this is slowing our production rates and increasing turnaround times. Your patience is appreciated. I guess I just want you to know, that we know, that some things are taking longer than they usually do, and we may not be living up to prior expectations. We know this, and are working as best we can to grow efficiently, while meeting demand. Please accept our apologies, and hope you can relate to our position. Also, prices of materials, and everything else is going up for us. So you will observe our prices move up as well. Inflation seems to be the sign of the times. All the above have slowed our development of new products and services (like the Austin & Halleck sealed breech 209 system, and some 3D printed items that have been suggested by our customers or are just rolling around in my head). Its also slowed revival of some of our stalwart products like Remington 700 MLS bolt bodies and complete new bolts. I won’t rush these. Quality is key to these sorts of products, and I don't have the time to do it all and get them all right... at least not right this minute. Anyways, thanks for your patience and understanding. We are glad that you are swinging by to read my excuses and rambling. Your patronage is appreciated. Your prayers for our efficient continued growth in these trying times are appreciated as well. As always, If you have questions or concerns you can call us (the number is at the bottom of every page of this website), or use the Contact Form to initiate an email conversation.
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AR Stuff
Blackhorn 209
Customer Feedback
Hunting Gear & Accessories
Remington 700 ML/MLS
Ruger 77/50
Savage Muzzleloader